Sunday, 26 March 2017

Effects Of Vitamin D And Calcium Deficiency And Related Diseases.

Finally, winters has arrived everywhere in America. Sudden change in weather and cold chilly wind , heavy snowfall can caused laziness and weakening of the bones. Most commonly old age peoples are prone to this conditions. By the age, as we become older our muscles and bones loosen its flexibility and strength. Which leads to many different disorders and diseases of bones.
What are the main cause of bone deficiency? Most of the  people are still unaware of it. To make our bones strong we need to take calcium and vitamin D in our diet. Make your life style healthy as I said to my patient “ Rest less, work more”  that helps you more fit and active.

In a recent study conducted by Loris Pironi (1) suggested that parenteral nutrition (intravenous or central – venous feeding that is employed in patients with chronic diseases interfering with oral food intake or those who underwent major surgeries) is one of the leading causes of weak bones and resulting bone diseases. Pironi conducted this study in patients who were on parenteral feeding for a period of at least 6 months. Results suggested that:
o   35% of all the enrolled patients reported frequent episodes of intense bone pain
o   10% reported one or more bone fractures
Pironi concluded:

“Bone disease was present in most of the patients on HPN, was of severe degree in one-half of them and symptomatic in one-third. The BMD Z-score appeared predictive of the risk of fracture”

Now, it’s fair to say that improper and unhealthy diet that include calcium and vitamin D deficiency may lead to several bone diseases.
In fact, it is so common that The American Journal of Clinical Nutritionist called it a world wide problem which is recognized as a pandemic.  Also a survey in the UK showed that more than half of adults in the UK did not have enough vitamin D, and in the winter and spring about 1 in 6 people have a severe deficiency.

Most importantly our  body needs calcium and vitamin D and enough exercise to build and keep strong bones.
Food sources of calcium includes, dairy products , green leafy vegetables, green beans, almonds.


Other foods that are high in calcium include:
Ø Spinach.
Ø Kale.
Ø Okra.
Ø Collards.
Ø Soybeans.
Ø White beans.
Ø Some fish, like sardines, salmon, perch, and rainbow trout.
Ø Foods that are calcium-fortified, such as some orange juice, oatmeal, and breakfast cereal.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and steroidal in nature. It is also called ergocalciferol ( vitamin D2 ) chole calciferol (vitamin D3).
It is resistant to heat as well as oxidation. Vitamin D can be formed in the skin of human beings by ultraviolet-rays.
Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption from intestine after being converted into 1-25 dihydroxy  cholecalciferol. That is essential in development of healthy bones and teeth.

Synonyms Of Vitamin D:
·       Calciferol
·       Ergosterol
·       Anti-ricketic Vitamin.

Foods that provide vitamin D include:

Ø Fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon.
Ø Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.
Ø Beef liver.
Ø Cheese.
Ø Egg yolks.

Deficiency Of Vitamin D :
Limited exposure to sunlight . In  some of people who  lives in northern latitudes, wear long attire , or have a job that is mostly indoors place. That also inhibits vitamin D production.
People who have dark skin color  and also have high amount of melanin produced in their skin, that blocks the sun rays and  reduces the skin’s ability to make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

o   Vitamin D deficiency  is caused by most importantly due to insufficiency of exposure to sunlight.
o   Mainly caused by lack of dietary intake.
o   May also get chronic kidney and liver diseases.

Digestive problems also may seen certain medical conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and celiac disease can reduce the ability of the intestines to absorb vitamin D from food.

Obesity.May cause low vitamin D levels. Research suggests that vitamin D may become ‘trapped’ inside fat tissue so less of it is available in our blood circulation.

Vitamin D Deficiency Related Diseases & Conditions

Maintaining proper vitamin D levels is one of the good habits for a great health. Researchers are still working to fully understand how vitamin D works within our body and how it affects our overall health, but it is believed to be a link between vitamin D deficiency to quite a number of ailments:

         Cancer :
In recent research on cancer, researchers say “UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers find Higher Levels of Vitamin D Correspond to Lower Cancer Risk”.
Research in the laboratory suggests that vitamin D has anti-tumor properties, regulating genes involved in the multiplication and spread of cancer cells, Churilla tells WebMD.
For the study, the researchers collected blood samples from 160 men and women with cancer and measured their levels of vitamin D. The five most common diagnoses were breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, and colorectal cancers.
Among people in the study, 42% had vitamin D insufficiency, defined as levels between 20 and 30 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. An additional 32% had vitamin D deficiency, with levels less than 20 ng/mL.

An adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D are important for maintaining bone density and strength. A lack of vitamin D causes calcium-depleted bone, which further weakens the bones and increases the risk of fractures.

Is an acquired condition (in most cases) caused by deficiency of vitamin D in adults (vitamin D deficiency in children is referred to as rickets). Moderate to severe deficiency of Vitamin D impairs the bone building process, leading to soft and weak bones that may present as.
o   Moderate to severe bone pain
o   Weakness of muscles
o   Changes in normal gait
o   Lower muscle tone and impaired grip.
Risk factors-Following conditions significantly increase the risk of developing Osteomalacia.
Low exposure to sunlight (vitamin D is synthesized by skin cells upon sun exposure).

Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta as the name suggests, is a disorder of bones with genetically pattern of inheritance. This disorder is marked by bone fractures that are mostly pathological (which means without any force of impact or injury).
The severity of lesions vary from person to person (some people develop fractures readily and frequently while others develop less than 3 fractures in the entire lifetime).

Paget Disease Of Bone
Paget disease of bone is another common musculoskeletal issue that may also involve other systems like hearing. This disorder is characterised by high growth potential of bones that primarily affect long bones of the body. The bones not only increase in size but are also weak and vulnerable to injuries, fractures and dislocations. It is marked by excessive bone resorption with abnormal bone formation that eventually replaces the marrow with fibrous and vascular tissue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Low vitamin D may play a role in developing rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have found that women who get more vitamin D seem less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis. Also among people who already have rheumatoid arthritis, those with low vitamin D levels tend to have more active symptoms.

Type-2 Diabetes – Studies have demonstrated correlations between low vitamin D levels and the development of type 2 diabetes. Different studies provide evidence that vitamin D may contribute to glucose tolerance through its effects on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.
Cholesterol – Vitamin D regulates cholesterol levels in the blood: it has been shown that without adequate sun exposure, vitamin D precursors turn to cholesterol instead of vitamin D.

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